World Information 


 There are 4 Servers that you can choose from:
In each Server there are different people so choose wisely
There are 3 main maps for leveling up and joining friends and these maps can be accessed by any level player as long as you pay the requiered amount of gold.



Union of Fury Maps

These locations can only be visited by Nordein and Vail.

Iris (Player Town)

Map Iris Clean.jpg

Reikeuseu (Map 1)

Map Reikeuseu Clean.jpg

Keuraijen (Map 2)

Map Keuraijen Clean.jpg

Adeurian (Map 3)

Map Adeurian Clean.jpg

Astenes (Map 4) 




These locations can only be visited by Elves and Humans.

Apulune (Player Town)

Map Apulune Clean.jpg

Erina (Map 1)

Map Erina Clean.jpg

Willieoseu (Map 2)

Map Willieoseu Clean.jpg

Adellia (Map 3)

Map Adellia Clean.jpg

Skulleron (Map 4)

Map Skulleron Clean.jpg



PvP Maps

These locations can be visited by all races and are considered a combat zone.

Proelium Frontier (Lv 1~15)


Cantabilian (Lv 20~30)


D-Water Borderland (Lv 1~60)

Map D-Water Borderland Clean.jpg