World Information
There are 4 Servers that you can choose from:
In each Server there are different people so choose wisely
There are 3 main maps for leveling up and joining friends and these maps can be accessed by any level player as long as you pay the requiered amount of gold.
- Union of Fury Maps
These locations can only be visited by Nordein and Vail.
Iris (Player Town)
Reikeuseu (Map 1)
Keuraijen (Map 2)
Adeurian (Map 3)
Astenes (Map 4)
- Alliance of Light Maps
These locations can only be visited by Elves and Humans.
Apulune (Player Town)
Erina (Map 1)
Willieoseu (Map 2)
Adellia (Map 3)
Skulleron (Map 4)
- PvP Maps
These locations can be visited by all races and are considered a combat zone.
Proelium Frontier (Lv 1~15)
Cantabilian (Lv 20~30)
D-Water Borderland (Lv 1~60)